Happy Thursday friends. Time for round 2 of "Currently":
FEELING: Hot. This 90 degree weather needs to go. Fuh real.
READING: Ender's Game. A coworker lent it to me and I'm just starting on it...SciFi really isn't my jam but let's see where this goes. Anyone read it before? I'm liking it so far.
LISTENING TO: "Can't Hold Us" by Macklemore + Ryan Lewis. So freaking catchy. It is my pump up, run around, clean the house, drive the car song.
THANKFUL FOR: Getting to see a favorite old friend this weekend. We've known each other since we were...12 maybe? She's just as witty and ridiculous and goofy as she was then, and it was a breath of fresh air to see her (and her awesome boyfriend).
EATING: Almonds, Onion Chive Cheese, and too many Cesar salads to count. Riveting, I know. Honestly, all this heat makes me just want to eat popsicles 24/7. But, alas, they don't fall too high on the food pyramid. Can fall just come so we can all eat soup and pumpkin seeds?
WATCHING: Portlandia. Now that Michael and I have been to Portland I can't get over how true to real life it is. PUT A BIRD ON IT! GRAB THE GEAR! Anyone? Portlandia fans out there? Also, thanks to Netflix I've been watching an embarrassing amount of Glee while blogging. Watching it right now. Truth.
LOVING: Where do I begin? THIS most perfect fall bag in gorgeous cognac (with a tassel!), THIS Skin Savior- which is by far the best beauty product ever invented, and THIS pair of plum pants. Gap, you're killin' it.
LOOKING FORWARD TO: BLOGGER FALL FEST! AH! Dani & I are hosting a Wisconsin Blogger Fall Fest complete with flannel, s'mores, and a spiked cocoa bar. You know you want in. If you're local, email me for deets: beautyandbeard (at) gmail (dot) com.
What's up with you lately friends?
Answer one of these for me! Tell me somethin' good!
xo, lp
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